
Friday, October 22, 2010

Headed Home

On Friday morning (10/22/10) they gave us the official word that we could go HOME!!  Who ever thought home would be so scary...no more nurses 24 hours a day, no more lactation consultants at my beckon call...just me, Ted and the baby...exciting but scary.  So we took our time and left in the afternoon :-)  We had a great nurse that helped us steal a few supplies before heading home and offer that little extra support we needed.  Teddy cried as he got into his first outfit and cried when he went into the carseat, but as soon as we started walking and the carseat was moving, he calmed right down.

Family Photo before leaving the hospital....Teddy was not happy

The car ride home...very peaceful...he slept the whole time.  It was the first time I had been outside in 5 days...fall had really set in while we were in the hospital.  It was cold out!

 Our FAMILY is home!

And crying again...this is how much of our first night home went...lots of tears and not just from Teddy :-)  But we survived and now the nights are going much smoother.  I think we were both surprised by how loud and intense his cry could be...I don't remember him crying like that in the hospital.  Still amazed by this little guy and falling deeper and deeper in love by the moment.

1 comment:

  1. LOVE his outfit - he's so cute even when he is crying.
