
Wednesday, October 27, 2010

One Week

Shortly after arriving home we had our first rush of visitors.  Teddy got to meet his Nana and Auntie Bethany - so glad they were able to make the trip and meet our son!!  Mimi and PopPop came for another visit as well.  We settled into the first week and hit a few milestones along the way.

Daddy went back to work, but no worries Mimi came to stay for the week so Mom could get used to everything before venturing a day alone with Teddy.  Mimi was such a HUGE help..she helped cook, clean, and helped me keep my sanity as I adjusted to sleep deprivation and this little life that was fully dependent on me.  Thank you so much Mom for coming to stay with us!!

Other milestones this week included - first tummy time.  Teddy hates tummy time and during his first official tummy time on the floor on day 6 Teddy rolled from his stomach to his back.  Ted tried to get him to do it again, but Teddy just screamed. Teddy took his first trip out of the house this week...we went to the doctor.  The doctor said he looked great!  His umbilical cord has fallen off and is healing nicely.  He weighed in at 8 lbs, and has gained 2 oz since discharge.  His length is 21 1/4 inches.  We have to go back in a week to check on his weight gain. 

Teddy had his first bath at home this week.  He cried during the entire thing.  We attempted to take pictures, but only ended up with a before and after shot as the photographer (Ted) needed to assist the bath giver (Sharon).  

We are getting used to parenthood, adjusting to the sleepless nights and this little bundle of love that brings so much joy to us both.  He is our current family favorite :-)

Friday, October 22, 2010

Headed Home

On Friday morning (10/22/10) they gave us the official word that we could go HOME!!  Who ever thought home would be so scary...no more nurses 24 hours a day, no more lactation consultants at my beckon call...just me, Ted and the baby...exciting but scary.  So we took our time and left in the afternoon :-)  We had a great nurse that helped us steal a few supplies before heading home and offer that little extra support we needed.  Teddy cried as he got into his first outfit and cried when he went into the carseat, but as soon as we started walking and the carseat was moving, he calmed right down.

Family Photo before leaving the hospital....Teddy was not happy

The car ride home...very peaceful...he slept the whole time.  It was the first time I had been outside in 5 days...fall had really set in while we were in the hospital.  It was cold out!

 Our FAMILY is home!

And crying again...this is how much of our first night home went...lots of tears and not just from Teddy :-)  But we survived and now the nights are going much smoother.  I think we were both surprised by how loud and intense his cry could be...I don't remember him crying like that in the hospital.  Still amazed by this little guy and falling deeper and deeper in love by the moment.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Baby Teddy is here!!

On October 18, 2010 we headed to the doctor for an appointment...I was 8 days overdue and ready to meet baby Teddy.  My blood pressure was elevated and the doctor sent us to the hospital for a non-stress test to check on how the baby was doing.  We arrived at the hospital at 4:30PM and shortly after that they started me on an IV...this is when Ted said he didn't think I was going home!  Well he was right...they gave me some medicine to induce me and then the waiting began and what a long wait it was!  37 hours later baby Teddy was born...actual labor was about 15 hours!!  He was born at 5:24AM on October 20, 2010.  He was 8 lbs 7 oz and 20 inches in length.  He is perfect!!  I never imagined I would love him this much.

Our first family photo!

My parents came to the hospital to meet their 7th grandchild.  

My brother and his family also came to meet little Teddy...Andrew was so cute with him...Just loved every minute he got to hold him!  It was precious!

Ted and I also love every minute we get to hold him and cuddle with our precious child. 

Little Rock is here and we are so in love!!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Baby Shower - August 28, 2010

Well it has been a few weeks, but we had an amazing baby shower.  I have finally collected some photos to share.  My friend Sarah and my mom worked so hard and it was an amazing day.  I think it was at least 95 degrees that day and very HOT, but we all survived :-) Ted and I are so grateful for all the friends and family who were able to share in the celebration of this new little life that should be showing his face any day now.  I think after all this time, we have found a spot for each of the items we received.  All the clothes are washed, the carseat is in the car and we are anxiously awaiting his arrival!!

 All the amazing food my Mom and Deb made!
Mery and Beth

 The girls from work...3 out of 6 pregnant!!

The presents and Sarah's great game..Baby Jeopardy!!

My nieces Emily and Meaghan were a great help opening the gifts!!

 Everything home.....now to find a place for it all
 The bedding...sailboats and below a step stool made by Deb to match the bedding!!

Thank you again to everyone who was able to come or send a gift.  Ted and I are truly blessed and this little one is so lucky to have so many amazing people in his life.  Thanks again for an amazing day!!  We love you all!!