
Saturday, August 21, 2010

Expecting a Baby

Ted and I were lucky enough to find out on February 3, 2010 that we are expecting our first child!! We are so excited! He is due on October 10, 2010 - yup that is right we are expecting a BOY!!!! We are about 7 weeks away from his arrival and could not be more excited...and scared! We have been getting the house ready and starting to feel the change this little one is going to make in our lives. Here are some pictures of his first few ultrasounds!

Our First Ultrasound 3/8/10

We found out we were having a little boy on 5/11/10.  We could not be more excited!!  This ultrasound was amazing because we were able to see him move around more and we were there for about an hour just watching him while the technician measured him.  He is perfect!!  

His little foot!!  I LOVE baby feet!

The skeletal view...kinda creepy but still my adorable son!

So I have done it, my first blog posting. I hope to keep this updated for all the family and friends that live far away and don't see us very often.  This weekend we are setting up his room and Ted will be painting this week.  Can't believe we only have 7 more weeks!!


  1. Can't wait to meet him! Love the blog...little rock? Is there a story behind this? Do share...

  2. Fabulous Sharon! Many congrats & I look forward to reading about your exciting journey!

    PS: Melissa Dupree Williams has one too at www.naturalrevelations.blogspot.com

    Also my Mom writes positive inspirations at
